Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Refried Beans

By Marie

1 onion, peeled and halved
1 lb dry pinto beans, rinsed
1/2 -1 jalapeno
2 Tlbs minced garlic
2-5 tsp salt
1-2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp cumin
2 cubes chicken bullion
taco seasoning, if desired

Place everything except taco seasoning into slow cooker. Add water about 2/3 way up of slow cooker. Cook on high for 8 hours, adding water if needed. Mash to desired consistency, adding taco seasoning, if desired. I use 1/2 package taco seasoning.
It took me a few times to know how much water I needed for my slow cooker to have enough water but not too much because I don't like runny beans and don't like to drain the water because it takes away some of the flavor.

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